Balasore: Inspired from the movie Robot 2.0, where Akshay Kumar portrayed the character of ornithologist Pakshi Rajan, a man from Raghunathpur village in Soro block of Balasore district has built a mini bird sanctuary in his home.
Bharat Bhusan Das is a clockmaker by profession who was always attracted to birds. After watching the movie Robot 2.0 which revolves around the concept of the existence of birds in today’s environment, he decided to keep birds in his house.
Due to environmental imbalances and global warming, many birds, such as sparrows are on the verge of extinction. In view of this, Das has built a bird sanctuary in his home with birds of different colors.
As government forbids the keeping of Indian birds, he first kept eight to ten exotic birds. Now the number of birds has risen to around 400 to 500. He learned about their upbringing through YouTube. In due course of time, he obtained permission to raise and sell the birds.
Das and his wife Gitanjali take good care of the birds, provide them food, water, and medicine and have built special houses for them to live in and for breeding. They have to spend Rs 200 to Rs 300 per day on grains and medicines for the birds.
The couple, even if they are not willing, are forced to sell some birds in order to cover the expenses. This hobby of Das has brought him employment and has set an example for many animal and bird lovers.