New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched a frontal attack at the Congress party on Saturday and raked up the 1975 Emergency imposed under former PM Indira Gandhi-led regime to slam the grand old party over its claims of being the ‘rightful custodians’ of democracy.
PM Modi, concluding the two-day debate on the 75th anniversary of Constitution adoption in Lok Sabha, ripped into the previous Congress regimes for its ‘blatant disregard’ of the Constitution and ‘murder of the democracy’ and stressed that the trend first started during the country’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s tenure.
“The Emergency imposed by the then Indira Gandhi regime continues to remain and will always be a black chapter in the history of Indian democracy. People were subjected to inhumane treatment and their basic rights taken away by the then tyrannical regime,” PM Modi said.
“Congress govt strangulated democracy in 1975. It is a taint which Congress will never be able to get rid of,” PM Modi further said in Lok Sabha.
Without taking Gandhi’s name, Prime Minister attacked the ‘one family’ that ruled the country for almost 55 years, in the 75 years of the country’s Independence.
“One family has ruled the country for 55 years and for innumerable times, it has changed the Constitution. For the first time, the constitution was changed by the country’s first Prime Minister and since then, many Congress PMs have adopted the same principle to suppress and overrule the Constitution,” PM Modi stated.
PM Modi also recalled the moment when the Gujarat government, under his stewardship as Chief Minister, started celebrating the Samvidhan Divas on November 26, 2000, and became the first state to do so.
PM Modi further opined that it’s the power of the Constitution that facilitated people like him to reach the Parliament.