Mumbai: The drama webseries ‘Cubicles’ is set to return with its fourth season. The trailer of the 4th season of the show was unveiled on Tuesday. The trailer shows the character of Piyush Prajapati (played by Abhishek Chauhan) transformation from a newbie to a leader of the pack at Synotech.
However, the conflict arises when the company announces the possibility of an acquisition by Piyush’s dream firm, PIC. In light of a charged up environment in the office, Piyush deals with office politics, a team full of anxious colleagues, and the looming uncertainty of their future.
The upcoming season of the show also features Zayn Marie Khan portraying Dhwani Mehra, who is a new addition in the show as she brings in a dynamic spark to the office environment. The series also has the return of Ayushi Gupta (Sunaina Chauhan), Niketan Sharma (Naveen Shetty), Ketaki Kulkarni (Neha Kelkar), Nimit Kapoor (Vikram Malhotra), bringing their quirky, lovable office personas into the fray.
Reflecting on her role, Zayn Marie Khan shared, “It feels like stepping into a family. The characters are so real, and the storylines capture the true essence of today’s workplace. I’m thrilled to bring something new to this journey. Each episode explores not just the challenges we face in our careers but also the relationships we develop at work. It’s going to be an amazing season for viewers”.
The series is directed by Chaitanya Kumbhakonum and produced by The Viral Fever.
The 4th season of ‘Cubicles’ takes a deep dive into the complexities of leadership, career dreams, and the unpredictable chaos of corporate life.
‘Cubicles 4’, is set to stream from December 20 on Sony LIV.