Bhubaneswar: The former secretary of Haripur Service Co-operative Society (SCS) under the Balasore-Bhadrak Central Co-operative (BBCC) Bank, has been convicted by a special Vigilance court in Balasore.
Manohar Behera has been sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of three years and fined Rs. 50,000.
Behera was found guilty of misappropriating government funds to the tune of Rs. 5,50,142 towards the cost of 69 MT of fertilizer.
According to the charge-sheet filed by Odisha Vigilance, Behera manipulated the records of the SCS to show the fraudulent transactions as genuine.
The Balasore-Bhadrak Central Co-operative Bank has extended its banking network through 30 branches, 249 PACS, and 2 LAMPCS operating in 19 blocks in Balasore and Bhadrak districts.