Bhubaneswar: In a shocking incident on Thursday, four people were injured in a series of accidents near the Rajmahal-Master Canteen Chhak, when a ‘Mo Bus’ collided with an electric bus.
The injured individuals were immediately rushed to the Capital Hospital in Bhubaneswar for treatment.
According to reports, the accident occurred when an electric ‘Mo Bus’ applied its brakes suddenly at the Rajmahal-Master Canteen Chhak area. A speeding ‘Mo Bus’ failed to stop in time and crashed into the rear of the electric bus. This collision caused a chain reaction, with a car crashing into the speeding bus, followed by another car hitting the first vehicle.
As a result, both buses were severely damaged and four passengers were injured. Local residents quickly came to the aid of the victims, taking them to the hospital for medical attention.
Upon being informed, the local police arrived at the scene, spoke to witnesses and took control of the situation. The speeding ‘Mo Bus’ was seized and an investigation has been initiated to determine the cause of the incident.