Bargarh: The Barpali police arrested 12 people, including 10 students, in connection with a question paper leak case at the Barpali College in Odisha’s Bargarh district and produced them in court on Thursday. All the accused have been sent to judicial custody.
The arrested include Alok Sahu, a clerk of Naktideul Degree College in Sambalpur, and students of Vikas Degree College and Barpali College.
According to reports, the Political Science question paper of the third-semester examination was allegedly leaked. The question paper was photocopied at a photocopier shop before being circulated. When the matter came to the fore during an inspection, Barpali College Principal Jayanti Dash lodged a complaint at the Barpali police station.
During the investigation, it was found that the question paper had been sourced from Naktideul Degree College in Sambalpur. Acting on this information, the police arrested the students who purchased the paper and the person who sold it.
Subsequently, the police framed charges under Sections 318(4), 612 BNS, 66 IT Act (9) and arrested the accused.