Bhubaneswar: A Special Vigilance Court in Berhampur on Friday sentenced Predipta Kumar Parija, the former Godown In-Charge of the Additional Storage Point of the Marketing Federation in Buguda, Ganjam, to three years of rigorous imprisonment (RI) and imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 after convicting him of misappropriating government funds amounting to Rs 17,76,066.
Parija, who has since been dismissed from service, was charge-sheeted by Odisha Vigilance under Sections 13(2) read with 13(1)(c)(d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, and Sections 409, 201, and 120-B of the IPC. He was found guilty of manipulating the fertilizer stock register and misappropriating government funds.
Further legal proceedings, including any potential appeals, are awaited following the court’s verdict.