Bargarh: Bhubaneswar Pradhan will be playing the role of Kansa at the 77th Dhandu Yatra – the world famous open air theater. The Dhanu Yatra Committee selected Bhubaneswar was selected for the rule after an audition at the Bargarh Biju Patnaik Town Hall on Sunday.
Four actors – Bhubaneswar Padhan, Jagdanand Mishra, Artatran Sunani and Sushil Meher – auditioned for the role today. These four actors were in the second to fifth positions in the 2022 audition when Hrishikesh Bhoi was selected for the role of Kansa.
The 77th Bargarh Dhanu Yatra will begin on January 3 and this time, the executive committee unanimously decided that another artiste would take the place of Hrishikesh Bhoi. The Bargarh Dhanu Yatra Artist Coordination Committee recommended that a new actor portray Kansa this time since Hrishikesh Bhoi has been named in a bribery case and he has not been acquitted yet.