Bhubaneswar: The Biju Janata Dal (BJD) leaders on Monday took to the streets in Bhubaneswar against the Mohan Majhi government in Odisha protesting against price rise and inflation. Scores of party workers and leaders from across the state led by Naveen Patnaik, party president and Leader of Opposition in the Odisha Assembly, staged a dharna in the Lower PMG.
Addressing the party workers at the Lower PMG, Patnaik said, “I thank you all for coming to Bhubaneswar from all over Odisha in such a cold weather.”
He said that the BJP government was formed in June this year and people have been only listening to long speeches since then. “There is no work.. Prices are going up and up but there is no action,” he alleged.
“This government claims to be the people’s government but it does not seem to have any connection with the people. Starting from groceries to medicine, the prices of all essential commodities are now skyrocketing. The government has no control over the market. Life has become difficult for the common man,” former Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik alleged, adding, “Crops were damaged in unseasonal rain and farmers are committing suicide every day. People are restless and the mothers are crying. The farmers are crying. But this government is in a deep sleep.”
The BJP government came to power by telling lies and making false promises. This government came to power by getting fewer votes than the BJD, Patnaik reminded the people.
He went on to add, “Meanwhile, poverty is increasing. GST is increasing. GST is on everything. Poor people are paying more GST.”
“The BJP government showed a pink picture in the trailer and only protests by 4.5 crore Odias will reveal the true face of the government,” Patnaik said.