Sundargarh: While 64 workers of Dalmia Cement plant in Rajgangpur in Sundargarh district were rescued, three still remain trapped in the debris after a coal hopper collapsed at the factory on Thursday night. The workers still trapped under the debris have been identified as Susant Rout, Dasaratha Patra, and Ranjit Bhol.
At least 67 workers of the factory were trapped under tons of debris after a coal hopper which is used for storing large quantities of coal, collapsed.
A massive rescue operation was launched at the accident site after the mishap. As many as six teams of the Fire Services department, ODRAF personnel along with cranes have been engaged to rescue the trapped workers. Sundargarh Superintendent of Police, Tehsildar, and additional police officers, are supervising the rescue operations personally.
According to the police, it might take another 6-8 hours to rescue the trapped workers as it would take much time to remove the giant iron structure of the coal hopper.