Bhubaneswar: Odisha Deputy Chief Minister Parvati Parida visited Mudulipada in Bonda ghati of Malkangiri, where she assured the local people that their demands would be fulfilled. During her visit, Parida announced that an additional Rs 50,000 would be provided for the construction pucca house under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana to Bonda ghati people.
Parida also stated that all Bonda women in the region would receive financial assistance under the Subhadra scheme. The administration will conduct a survey by visiting the houses of 2,932 beneficiaries who were deprived of the Subhadra Yojana.
The Bonda tribe informed Parida about various problems in their region, including lack of drinking water, communication, mobile tower facilities, and bus services at the Ghati. Parida promised to resolve these issues soon.
Additionally, Parida announced that a house would be arranged in the market for the sale of traditional costumes of the Banda tribe in Bhubaneswar, along with the development of Amakunda and Sitakunda tourism.
Parida reached Bonda ghati by road from Koraput, despite the rain, and interacted with the Bonda women at the Banda Development Office. She also spoke to administrative officials and the Bonda tribe about the issues faced them, including the deprivation of Subhadra money and lack of housing scheme implementation.