Sundargarh: In a tragic incident, an elderly villager was trampled to death by a wild elephant in Barsuwan Range under Koida block in Odisha’s Sundargarh district on Thursday late night.
The deceased has been identified as Vitthal Nayak (55) of Bandal village in the district.
According to reports, Vitthal had gone to Rengma village with his friend on Thursday evening and while returning to his village through the forest path, they encountered a wild elephant. While Vitthal’s friend managed to escape the elephant’s attack, the pachyderm trampled him to death.
After receiving the news, the villagers and the Forest department officials reached the forest. Angry villagers staged a protest inside the forest throughout the night demanding that the Forest department tranquilise and relocate the elephant which attacked and killed several people in the region during the last three years.
Till the time of writing this report the villagers are staging a protest inside the forest with Vitthal’s body demanding adequate compensation to the victim’s family.