Bhubaneswar: Odisha Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida on Friday announced that the fourth phase of the first installment of money under the state’s flagship scheme Subhadra Yojana will be paid to around 20 lakh women by the end of January.
According to the Deputy Chief Minister, 17,000 women who had chosen ‘Opt Out’ option have re-applied to join the Subhadra Yojana. “Of the 31,000 women who exited the scheme, 17,000 applicants have chosen the ‘Opt In’ option for re-enrollment into Subhadra scheme. The remaining 14,000 applicants may not choose ‘Opt In’ option as they may come under higher income group category or some family members might be government employees,” Parida said.
Parida reminded all the applicants to update e-KYC to avail the money in the fourth phase.
She informed that more than 2 lakh applicants have not updated e-KYC so far. Keeping this in view, the government extended the deadline for verification. In any case, the verification process to add all the applicants to the scheme will continue till last benefiicary avails the benefits.