Bhubaneswar: Odisha Vigilance officials on Thursday apprehended Laxmi Narayan Maharana, a Multi-Purpose Health Supervisor (MPHS) in Mahulpatna Sector and In-Charge of Vital Statistics at the Community Health Centre (CHC) in Thuamul Rampur, Kalahandi district, for allegedly demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 4,000 via UPI (PhonePe) from a complainant. The bribe was taken to process and issue a birth certificate for the complainant and his relatives.
The vigilance team seized the accused’s smartphone, which was used to receive the bribe, along with the applications for birth certificates submitted by the complainant and others. Following the trap, simultaneous searches are being conducted at three locations associated with Maharana to investigate possible disproportionate assets.
A case has been registered against Maharana at the Koraput Vigilance Police Station under Section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018. Further investigations into the matter are underway.