Bhubaneswar: In a heartbreaking turn of events, a man lost his life while repairing a geyser in Haripur village under Sahadevkhunta police limits in Balasore district, on Thursday.
The deceased has been identified as Achyuta Behera, a resident of Singla Police Station area in Balasore district.
According to reports, Achyuta was going to repair a geyser at a residence in Haripur village, located near Arad Baza, today.
While performing the repair work, Behera was electrocuted due to a lapse in safety precautions. The electric shock caused severe injuries and he was quickly rushed to a nearby hospital where, upon arrival, he was declared dead by a doctor.
The incident has cast a pall of sorrow over the villages of Haripur and its neighboring areas, leaving the local community in deep shock and grief.