Bhubaneswar: In a heart-wrenching incident, a minor boy from Dhauli area on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar allegedly took his own life by hanging after being reprimanded by his father for skipping school. The incident came to light after the minor boy’s body was found hanging near Panchabati ashram.
According to sources, the boy, a resident of Kandi Sahi in Dhauli, had not attended school on Friday, which enraged his father. After a heated exchange, the minor left the house, only to be found dead later.
In a surprising turn of events, the boy’s family members performed his last rites without notifying the police, sparking an investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death.
The police are now searching for the boy’s father, who has reportedly gone missing since the incident.
The reasons behind his disappearance are still unclear, and Dhauli police are working to piece together the events leading up to the tragic incident.