Jajpur: In a shocking incident, a 14-year-old girl allegedly drugged her family members before eloping with her lover late Wednesday night at Nathuabara village under Kuakhia police limits in Jajpur district.
According to reports, the girl laced egg curry with sedatives and served it to five family members, including her parents, during dinner. The affected family members were later admitted to the district headquarters hospital and are currently undergoing treatment.
The youth with whom the girl eloped has been identified as Deepak Sethi (24) from Siaria Manpur village under Dangadi block in Jajpur district.
Notably, this is not the first time the minor has eloped with Deepak. She had previously run away with him in May last year but was rescued from Kerala by police and family members.
Kuakhia police has launched an investigation into the incident, and efforts are underway to trace the missing girl.