Jharsuguda: Chhattisgarh police have detained Bishal Das, son of the late Biju Janata Dal (BJD) leader and former Odisha Health Minister Naba Das. The detention took place at the Saraipali police station in Chhattisgarh.
Bishal, who is a Samiti Sabhya and Sarpanch of Kirmira Block in Jharsuguda district, was detained along with several other local leaders, including some Sarpanchs and Samiti members. The police did not reveal the exact reasons for the detention.
In a video message, Bishal Das confirmed his detention and expressed concerns about the situation. The detention comes just a day before a scheduled vote on a no-confidence motion against the Chairman of Kirmira Panchayat Samiti, Krishnapriya Sahu.
The incident has raised questions about the timing and motives behind the police action. Supporters of Bishal and other detained leaders have called for their immediate release and transparency regarding the reasons for their detention.