Bhubaneswar: Vigilance sleuths on Thursday launched simultaneous house searches at seven locations across the state linked to the Biswadarsi Sahoo, Project Administrator of Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA), Bonai in disproportionate case.
As per reports, the raids are being carried out at seven locations across the state, including Bhubaneswar, Balasore, Jajpur, and Bonai in the Sundargarh district.
The search warrants were issued by the Special Judge, Vigilance, Sundargarh, and the raids are being led by one Additional Superintendent of Police (Addl SP), three Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSP), 10 Inspectors, and other supporting staff.
The Vigilance teams are searching a total of seven locations, including a double-storey building at Sriram Nagar in Bhubaneswar, three flats in Bhubaneswar’s Laxmisagar, Kharvelnagar and Balasore’s S. N. Sen Road, as well as the official’s relative’s house in Jajpur, his government quarter and office at Bonai in Sundargarh district.
The search is currently underway, and further reports are awaited.