Berhampur: The K. Nuagaon police have arrested one individual in connection with the kidnapping and extortion of three victims, including a financial agent from Delhi, in Ganjam district. The accused allegedly threatened the victims with a cobra.
The arrested individual, identified as Pruthibiraj Sahu (24), a resident of Bholasingi village under K. Nuagaon police limits, was detained following an investigation into the crime.
According to an official press release, Sahu and his accomplices orchestrated a plan to lure the victims to Berhampur under the pretense of discussing a financial project with a company agent named Foreminix Ind. Pvt. Ltd.
Upon their arrival on January 23, the victims were confined to a building and threatened with a ransom demand of two crore rupee. The kidnappers physically assaulted the victims, including a finance agent from Delhi and demanded the ransom for their release.
The accused then relocated the victims to Kerandimal Jungle near Chikiti, where they continued their threats and assaults. On January 26 morning, one of the victims managed to escape from the clutches of the accused persons and rushed to Chikiti Tahasil Office where he narrated the whole matter before the staff.
On being informed, the K. Nuagaon police proceeded to Tahasil Office and rescued the three other victims. During the rescue, authorities discovered three snakes that had been used to intimidate the victims.
Based on the written complaint, a case has been registered and investigations are ongoing and Sahu is currently being interrogated.