Ganjam: K Nuagaon police on Sunday rescued four persons abducted by miscreants from Golangthara police station area and held captive for a ransom of Rs 1 crore. Three of the abductees are from Cuttack district, while the other is from Delhi. Following their abduction, the four were held captive in a house in Chikiti Garh for the past three days and subjected to inhumane torture.
According to the police, a man named Nittu Patra of Chikiti Garh area had kept them hostage on the roof of his house for a ransom of Rs 1 crore. The abductor had a snake pit at the end of his house and he used a large snake to terrorise the kidnapped persons to pay off the ransom amount. The kidnapper, Nittu Patra, tortured the four and threatened to kill them by showing them the snake.
One of the four kidnapped men managed to escape from the house in the early hours of Sunday and reached the Chikiti Tehsil office. He sought the help of the people there and the police were informed about the incident.
Later in the day, police raided the house and rescued the other three abductees and brought them all to the police station for questioning. One of the abductees is an agent of a finance company in Delhi, while the other three had come to Berhampur for some loan.