Bhubaneswar: In a shocking incident, a group of robbers struck a house in Brundagadi village under Udala police limits of Mayurbhanj district late Friday night, making off with gold jewelry worth lakhs of rupees and Rs 45K in cash.
The victim, identified as Sudam Kumar Majhi.
According to reports, the theft occurred at Sudam’s home while he and his family were leaving for work on Friday evening and he had locked the house before leaving. Upon their return, the family was alarmed to find the main door of their house broken open.
Upon entering, they discovered that the wardrobe (almirah) had been forcibly opened and gold jewelry and cash had been stolen.
Sudam immediately informed the Udala police station about the robbery. Upon receiving the report, police officials rushed to the scene and initiated an investigation into the matter. Authorities are working to track down the culprits behind the crime.