Sundargarh: Unidentified robbers looted Rs 80,000 in cash and a laptop from an SBI customer service point at Birbira village under Dharuadihi police station in Sundargarh district late Wednesday night.
The customer service point is owned by Shikha Naik and her father Taranisen Naik, manages the operations.
According to reports, Taranisen had withdrawn Rs 2 lakh from the bank for daily transactions on Tuesday. After completing the day’s work, he left Rs 80,000 in cash at the counter and locked up the service point before going home.
However, when Taranisen returned this morning, he found that the robbers had cut the shutter lock with a gas cutter. In addition to the cash and laptop, the robbers also took the CCTV camera and hard disk.
Upon being informed, the Dharuadihi police arrived at the scene and launched an investigation into the robbery.