Bhubaneswar: Vigilance sleuths on Tuesday arrested Ranjit Kumar Sadangi, Section Officer in the office of Block Education Officer(BEO) at Papdahandi in Nabarangapur district while taking a bribe of Rs 10,000 from a retired school headmaster to process his pension papers.
According to sources, Sadangi demanded Rs 10,000 from the retired school headmaster to process the pension papers of the complainant which had been pending with Sadangi since 2011.
On a tip-off, vigilance sleuths laid a trap and caught him while taking the bribe. The entire tainted bribe money has been recovered and seized from the possession of Sadangi.
In this connection, Koraput Vigilance registered a case and launched an investigation against the accused. Following the trap, simultaneous searches are going on at two locations of Sadangi from DA angle.