Berhampur: A bizarre incident of fraud has come to light in Ganjam district, where fake Aadhaar cards and land leases were used to secure bail for accused individuals. The police have arrested six people in connection with this case, seizing hundreds of fake passports, Aadhaar cards, and other documents.
The accused, identified as Sudheer Kumar Jena, Nirakar Sahu, Babula Naik, Venket Patnaik, Sanyasi Mohanty, and Judhistir Maharana, were found to be using fake documents to facilitate bail for accused persons. The investigation revealed that even deceased individuals were being used to secure bail, with fake Aadhaar cards and land leases being created in their names.
One such case involved Ladu Kishore of Nuagaan, Aska, who passed away in 2021. Despite his death, summons from various courts continued to be issued in his name, and his wife, Sarojini Behera, discovered that his fake Aadhaar card was being used to secure bail for accused individuals. She filed a petition in the Brahmapur district court, leading to an investigation and the eventual arrest of the six accused individuals.
The police investigation found that Ladu Kishore Behera had been involved in creating fake documents to facilitate bail for accused persons before his death. His associates continued this illegal activity even after his passing.
The police have registered a case and are continuing their investigation into the matter.