Bhubaneswar: Acting on instructions from Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi and under the guidance of DGP Y.B. Khurania and Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Commissioner S. Dev Datta Singh, the Commissionerate Police has launched a special drive to curb noise pollution caused by vehicles equipped with modified silencers. The campaign is being led by Bhubaneswar DCP Pinak Mishra in urban areas of the city.
According to an official press release, more than 100 bikes with modified silencers were seized on the first day of the drive across all police station jurisdictions in Bhubaneswar’s urban district. The primary aim of the initiative is to raise awareness among drivers and reduce public discomfort caused by the loud, distorted noise of modified silencers.
Vehicles with modified silencers have been impounded under Sections 52 and 182 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988. Distorted noise exceeding 80 decibels is considered illegal, and violators will face strict enforcement. During the drive, the silencers of seized vehicles were removed, and fines were imposed on the owners.
The Commissionerate Police has urged citizens to adhere to traffic laws and ensure their vehicles comply with legal standards. The public has also been encouraged to report vehicles producing abnormal noise by calling 112 or informing the nearest police station.
The special drive will continue in the coming days to further address the issue.