Bhubaneswar: In a daring heist that has left police scrambling for clues, miscreants uprooted an ATM machine at Sriramnagar area under Lingaraj police limits in Bhubaneswar late Thursday night and dumped it into Gangua nullah after looting the cash.
The incident occurred late at night when the thieves made off with the cash. The machine was later recovered from the Gangua drain.
Police have seized an auto-rickshaw which is suspected to have been used by the thieves for dumping it in Gangua nullah after looting cash. Investigations are underway to nab the culprits.
The local police have initiated a thorough investigation to apprehend those responsible for the daring heist and to ascertain the total sum stolen from the ATM.
As part of the probe, police are reviewing CCTV footage from nearby cameras to identify the culprits. Also, police have begun questioning residents and shopkeepers to gather more information about the incident.