Bhubaneswar: Bargarh Town police on Monday arrested three individuals in connection with the missing of a 24-year-old girl, who was found severely injured in a forest within Bargarh Rural police limits after 36 hours of her missing.
The accused, identified as Sarjan Dansana (36), Jayakrushna Dansana (40), and Prahallad Dash (33), have been forwarded to court. However, the main accused remains at large, and the arrested individuals allegedly aided in their escape.
The victim, who had come to attend the Dhanu Yatra on January 12, was reported missing by her family. She was rescued from the forest after 36 hours of her missing. The woman was rushed to the District Headquarters Hospital in Bargarh and later shifted to Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences And Research (VIMSAR), Burla as her condition worsened. She is currently undergoing treatment at VIMSAR.
While the victim’s family alleged rape, the Superintendent of VIMSAR confirmed that medical reports indicate no evidence of rape.
The incident sparked protests on Bargarh-Bhatili Road, which were lifted after police assured the arrest of the accused within 48 hours.