Bhubaneswar: In a tragic accident, two sisters lost their lives after a tractor, carrying a paddy harvesting machine, overturned near Jodabara area under Jajpur Road police limits on Saturday.
The victims have been identified as Dulari Hansda and Rani Hansda, daughters of Raju Hansda, residents of Majhi Sahi in the Jodabara area.
According to reports, the tractor, which was transporting the paddy harvesting machine, was heading to the Jodabara area. Both Dulari and Rani were sitting in the tractor when it became unbalanced and overturned. The vehicle fell into the Ganda Canal near Jodabara, crushing the sisters underneath. Sadly, they succumbed to their injuries.
Upon receiving a tip-off, Jajpur Road police quickly arrived at the scene, recovered the bodies, and sent them for post-mortem.
An investigation has been launched and the authorities are looking into the cause of the incident.