Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Tuesday directed the principal secretary of the state home department to get in touch with officials in the Central government supervising the evacuation of Indian citizens stuck in Ukraine. During a meeting at his office, Chouhan asked officials to ensure that all those students who hail from Madhya Pradesh are brought back safely.
The Chief Minister said the Central government is monitoring the crisis in Ukraine and the children stuck there will be brought back soon. He asked the officials to remain alert to bring back all the people of Madhya Pradesh stuck in Ukraine.
“The Central government has issued an advisory on this. Arrangement of aircraft etc has been made to get the students back. Everyone is concerned about the situation, including the Prime Minister, Chief Minister and state government,” Chouhan said.
There is no specific number of students from Madhya Pradesh, however, reports suggested that there are around 100 students. State Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Monday said that around 60 students are from Indore alone.
Earlier in the day, the Minister of State for External Affairs said in Delhi that, “there is no need to panic, the Government of India has issued an advisory. All Indians, stay in touch with the Indian embassy.”
As per the reports, Air India has announced that three flights would be operated between India and Ukraine next week, on February 22, 24 and 26.
India has called for restraint on all sides as tensions between Russia and NATO escalated further after Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday recognised the independence of two states of Ukraine.
Earlier, Russia had amassed troops near the Ukraine border and has been demanding that NATO not admit Ukraine and other ex-Soviet states as members.