Bhubaneswar: The Special Task Force, Odisha on Tuesday conducted a raid near Balasore Railway Station Road and apprehended four drug peddlers – Sk Faiyaz, Sk Shamshed, Sk Murad and Sandeep Nayak.
Brown sugar weighing 1.10 kg was seized from their possession, the STF stated. The accused persons could not produce any valid authority in support of possession of such contraband materials, for which they were arrested.
The four persons were booked under Sections 21(c) and 29 of NDPS Act 1985 and were forwarded to the court. Further investigation to unearth the network of drug procurement and their handlers is on, the STF added.
“Special drive against narcotic drugs is continuing. Since 2020, STF has seized more than 71 Kg of Brown Sugar/Heroin, 202 Gram Cocaine and more than 116 quintals of Ganja/Marijuana, Opium 750 gram and arrested more than 176 drug dealers/peddlers. STF also destroyed 62+ Kg of seized Brown sugar and 136 Qtl (13600 Kg) Ganja in last one year,” a senior STF official said.