Bhubaneswar: In a tragic incident, two minor boys, Krishna Bhoi and his nephew Krishna Urma, died after being burnt alive in a fire that broke out in a paddy straw heap in Balakira village under Baunsuni police station in Boudh district on Saturday evening.
The boys, who were trying to warm themselves up by lighting a bonfire, inadvertently sparked the blaze, which quickly spread to the nearby haystack. Despite being rescued, the duo succumbed to their injuries.
According to reports, Krishna Bhoi was the son of Subhal Bhoi, a resident of Balakira village, while Krishna Urma was the son of Sanjit Urma, a resident of Basantbahal.
The two minors were rushed to Baunsuni Health Centre in critical condition but were declared dead by doctors. Police have launched an investigation into the incident, which preliminary investigations suggest was caused by the bonfire lit by the boys.