Bhubaneswar: The Income-Tax department has launched simultaneous raids at the premises of several contractors in Odisha on Friday morning for alleged tax evasion. While Brajakishore Das, brother of the late BJD leader Naba Das and a super contractor in Sambalpur, is under I-T scanner, the properties linked to Ramchandi Construction Company in Subarnapur district are being searched since Thursday.
According to reports, several teams of the I-T department from Bhubaneswar and Chhattisgarh are conducting simultaneous searches at 44 locations related to Brajakishore Das at Jharsuguda, Bolangir, and Bargarh.
Brajakishore Das owns a construction firm, a transport company, mines, and stone quarries.
Meanwhile, the I-T department launched simultaneous searches at multiple sites linked to Ramchandi Construction Company owner Srinivas Mishra at around 3.00 am on Friday. Aside from his business establishments, the officials are searching Mishra’s office in Boudh and residence.
I-T raids are also being conducted at the house and office of contractor Prithwiraj Patra in Kantabanji town, and at the house and office of contractor Kishanlal Agarwal in Bangomunda village.