Bhubaneswar: The Special Squad under Bhubaneswar Urban Police District has busted an escort service racket that was used to dupe gullible customers to the tune of several lakh rupees. The Special Squad has arrested the kingpin of this racket Sushant Patra and his wife, apart from three others in this connection.
The cops have seized as many as 105 SIM cards and 11 mobile phones which were used in connecting with customers and cracking fraudulent deals. The police have detected and seized Rs 20 lakh parked in 15 bank accounts belonging to the mastermind Patra and his wife, Assistant CP, Special Squad Sanjeev Satpathy said.
The couple used to contact customers in lieu of providing escorts in hotels and in the process defraud them using various criminal tactics. The five accused have been produced in a local court today. According to the police, they are very likely to seek remand of the accused to investigate into the case further.