Sambalpur: Police has taken the accused in the Sambalpur double murder case on a three-day remand. The police had applied for a seven-day remand of the accused Prasanna Jenamani, a truck driver, but the JMFC Court has granted a three-day remand.
It is worth mentioning here that two BJP leaders – Goshala Mandal president Debendra Nayak and former Sarpanch Muralidhar Chhuria – were killed on Saturday night when a truck deliberately hit the car they were travelling by in Sambalpur Kantapali.
An eyewitness, who was accompanying the BJP leaders in the car, alleged that the driver of the truck was following them and hit their vehicle from behind twice. Sensing foul play, the car driver took a narrow village road but the truck followed them there too and hit their vehicle for the third time. As a result, the car overturned killing two BJP leaders and injuring others.
The double murder of the BJP leaders has created a stir across the state.
According to the police, the arrested accused driver Prasanna Jenamani is repeatedly changing his statement during interrogation. The police suspect that the driver “intentionally” hit the car to eliminate the BJP leaders.