Puri: In a significant move aimed at improving the administration of the Srimandir, Dr. Arabinda Kumar Padhee, the Chief Administrator of the Shree Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA), has issued a set of five key guidelines for all officers and employees to follow.
The five directives are as follows:
- Prohibition of Intoxicants: All officers and employees of the Srimandir administration are strictly prohibited from consuming alcohol, tobacco (gutkha), or any other intoxicating substances during their duty hours.
- Monthly Work Review: The performance of the administration will be reviewed at the senior officer level every third Friday of the month.
- Asset Declaration: All officers and employees are required to submit their asset declarations for the year 2024 by January 31. Failure to submit the declaration will result in the withholding of increments, promotions, rewards, or any financial incentives.
- Dress Code: Every Friday, all officers and employees must report to work wearing handloom clothes. This requirement will not apply to those in uniform.
- Mobile Phone Restrictions: There will be restrictions on the use of mobile phones by officials and employees within the temple premises to ensure a focused work environment.
These measures, according to Dr. Padhee are intended to enhance the efficiency and accountability of the Srimandir administration.
The Chief Administrator emphasised that these steps are essential to uphold the sanctity and smooth functioning of the temple’s operations.