Bhubaneswar: In a shocking incident, the half-burnt body of a young man was recovered from a heap of paddy straw at Sargipalli under Lefripada police station in Sundargarh.
A burnt scooter was also found at the scene, adding to the mystery of the incident.
Police suspect the incident was a pre-planned murder. However, the identity of the deceased youth remains unclear.
According to reports, the body and scooter were found near Navodaya Vidyalaya at Sargipali in Sundargarh. The scooter was burnt to ashes, leading investigators to believe that someone may have thrown the youth onto the straw heap and set it on fire.
The recovery of the burnt scooter has deepened the mystery, and police are working to find out the circumstances surrounding the incident.
Local residents have been questioned, and the half-burnt body has been sent to Sundargarh District Hospital for autopsy. Parts of the burnt scooter have also been seized as evidence.
This incident comes on the heels of another mysterious discovery in the area, where an unidentified female skeleton was found near the Sargipali Canal just two weeks ago.