Nayagarh: As many as 101 logs were dispatched from Dasapalla in Nayagarh district, on Tuesday. The logs were sent after a special ritual held at the Mahaveer Temple.
Three trucks, carrying the 101 logs, left for the ‘ratha khala’ near the Grand Road in Puri, where the chariots will be constructed. The logs, consisting of 48 pieces of Asan and 53 pieces of Dhaura wood sourced from the Nayagarh Forest Division, were carefully transported after the traditional rituals were performed in front of Lord Mahabir’s temple.
According to sources, the first phase of the timber shipment has been completed. The sawing of the logs will commence on Ram Navami, once the requisite number of logs arrive at the ‘ratha khala’. The construction of the chariots will begin on Akshaya Tritiya.
Typically, around 865 log pieces of different types are used in the annual chariot construction. Last year, a surplus of 51 logs was noted and the remaining 814 logs from that stockpile have been arranged by the Nayagarh Forest Division. Of these, 396 logs will be sent to Cuttack, while the remaining 418 logs will be dispatched to the ‘ratha khala’ in Puri.