Bhubaneswar: The Cyber Crime and Economic Offence (CC&EO) Police Station under the Commissionerate Police of Bhubaneswar-Cuttack successfully recovered Rs 24.6 lakh defrauded by the fake online investment app QNET from two victims in October 2023.
As per an official press release, two cases of online fraud involving amounts of Rs11.4 lakh and Rs13.2 lakh were registered at the CC&EO Police Station on October 27, 2023. Both victims had invested through the QNET app after being lured by promises of high returns.
The victims were invited to join Zoom meetings where the accused presented fraudulent investment schemes. They were persuaded to deposit money via UPI/IMPS payments. Once the payments were made, the victims’ accounts were blocked, denying them access to their investments.
Acting swiftly, the CC&EO Police Station recovered the entire sum of ₹24.6 lakh, marking a significant achievement in curbing online financial fraud.